Mike Evans overdrive

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Mike Evans overdrive

Post by MacKellaich » Mon May 24, 2010 7:29 pm

Hi I have my clutch out at the moment and was looking at the gearbox thinking "is this a good time to fit an overdrive?" (Dont answer Mike) I rarely use the freewheel but wonder if the cost of the overdive unit is worth considration also is it as straight forward as it would appear? Anyone done it apart form Mike? Also does it make a big difference? I know that when traveling along it feels like the car could do with another gear but would the braking system etc be up to a quicker car, I know that part of it would be using less revs, but wonder whether there is enough horsepower in a 12 to mean that inclines (lots of those in Scotland where I live) would mean flicking in and out all th time? any commments welcome

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