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110 found in the USA

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:15 am
by Dirkco
Hello All,

I found a 110 in of all places Birmingham Alabama. The car is a RHD and has a Guild badge on the grill. The original number plate or so I believe is present and is 6040 PE. The car is a 1963 model and is painted dark green. Has anyone heard of this car? Here are a few photos.

All the best for the Holidays
Dirk in the States


Re: 110 found in the USA

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:15 pm
by 47p2
Interestingly the details of the car are still showing up on the DVLA website although I do wonder how they managed to get the liability date in the middle of the month

The vehicle details for 6040 PE are:
Date of Liability................................18 07 1985
Date of First Registration.....................01 06 1963
Year of Manufacture........................Not Available
Cylinder Capacity (cc)..............................2625cc
Fuel Type ...........................................PETROL
Vehicle Status..................................Unlicensed
Vehicle Colour.......................................GREEN