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Rovers on TV

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 1:53 pm
by GOY189
The RSR has been approached to see if members would agree to be interviewed anout their cars. One angle is an interview about first cars and a model suggested is the Rover Metro

Jordan Livermore writes

"Hi Mike,
Good to speak to you just now.
As mentioned my name is Jordan and I work for Voltage TV who make shows for all the national networks including BBC, Channel 4 and Discovery. I’m working on a new Channel 5 show called The Cars That Made Britain. It's a light hearted series which will be full of nostalgia as we take a look back on the UK’s greatest and most iconic cars.

Rover are a huge part of the motoring history of Britain and we’re looking to speak to a few Rover owners who are enthusiastic, passionate, charismatic and wouldn’t mind being interviewed as part of the show. We want to talk to them about their cars, the part the car had to play in history and perhaps even filming them out on a drive.

We’re very keen on opening a two-way conversation with yourself and if you could spread the word to other enthusiastic owners that’d be brilliant – the more the merrier!

In the meantime, if you have any questions what so ever please drop me a line on 0207 290 0710.

Warm regards,


Jordan Livermore
Assistant Producer | The Cars That Made Britain

Any interested parties please make contact with me

Mike Maher
RSR Chairman