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Speed 20 project advert on the RSR site

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2022 12:05 pm
by David2021
What a great project that looks to be, although the photos are a bit limited!!
I would have loved to take it on, but age, lack of space and a desire to stay married precludes me from putting my hat in the ring....perhaps the owner could get it featured in the Automobile, or other "lost, now found " columns in other "Comics".
I went after one of these, but it was at the beginning of Covid lock down. It was in Dusseldorf (owned by a very pleasant German dentist who told me it did not "run as straight as my vintage Bentley"!) and it was just impossible to get to see it and I was not brave enough to put 30,000€ on the line unseen!
I think it went to the Netherlands.
I did get a nice 12 tourer though!