Engine strip down

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Engine strip down

Post by Simon » Mon Apr 03, 2023 10:02 pm


I am trying to strip down an engine from a 1948 75hp Rover P3, but am a bit stuck, or rather the camshaft is. Everything  else has been removed (sometimes after a considerable  struggle).

I have followed the procedure in the RSR manual and removed the thrust plate and the set screws that secure the camshaft bearings to the block.

I made up a suitable puller. This has a substantial tube, with sufficient internal diameter to accommodate the camshaft. I screwed a suitable length of threaded stud into the front of the cam shaft and then placed the tube against the block around the camshaft. I used a 10mm thick steel  bar with a hole to pass over the studding and seat on the end of the tube and then screwed a nut along the studding. The camshaft pulled out a few millimetres until the lobes were pressed against the bearings, but has refused to move any further. Tightening the nut just resulted in bending the 10mm bar.

I had sprayed the bearings liberally with PB Blaster, but even after a number of applications  of this and waiting several weeks, the camshaft still won't  budge. It appears the bearings are well seized into the block.

Any suggestions as to how to proceed would be gratefully  received. I have wondered about applying gentle heat, or as an alternative  trying a plumber's  pipe freezing spray.

I anticipate that if and when I do get the camshaft out, the bearings will be ruined. Does anyone  know where these can be obtained? I believe they are identical  to the original P4 75.

Thanks for any ideas.


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