Perhaps can the pictures help someone that wants so install a webasto sunroof.

Manuals can be downloaded here.....ReinhardP wrote:Hi @all!
I have the same Roof but now I am in Troubles because the Roof is completely disassembled and now I have no Information how the inner Roof Skin has to be mounted. Is there someone who has a description and / or photos which illustrate what is necessary to do? Thanks in advance!
some great cars for sale on Car and Classic, love that siteI am selling my Rover P6 3500 .
The car has had approx. £10, 000 spent on it by the previous owner in the last two years 0n bodywork and spares.
In addition a Webasto Sun roof was fitted in 2020 at the cost of £2, 580.
the car has developed a rattle on the nearside back quarter which I have been unable to trace. ( not mechanical)
The Speedo would benefit from a service and recalibration.
The sweet V8 has Electronic Ignition fitted.
The car has travelled 60 miles since a full service.
Any viewing welcomed.
Our kettle is always on.