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This forum

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:52 pm
by paul williams
I was asked at the RSR AGM this year to set up a forum, to be fair this was not the first request as the subject had been raised before. Anyway here it is.

The hope is to cover all aspects of the RSR which means all Rover vehicles from the early pushbike to the last Rover 75. For this reason there are many topics each hopefully self explanatory. Within some of the topics is a subtopic 'Archive' this is where we can place information that is relevent to the vehicle(s) concerned and also as a source of information to those who wish to find out more.

The forum is open to all, but the RSR hope that those people who are interested in maintaining the continued use of Rover vehicles may consider joining the club.

Re: This forum

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:47 pm
by richard moss

Thanks for setting this up - I hope it proves to be the success that it deserves to be. I will copy over some of my stuf from my 800 forum in the hopes of building up some momentum.

As an aside, we host at - their hosting packages are amazingly cheap.

Re: This forum

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 8:29 pm
by 47p2
I feel this is the way forward for the RSR.

Forums are part of everyday life, a valuable source of information and a place to indulge in your hobby.

Thank you Paul for getting this far, I wish the RSR forum every sucess and look forward to meeting new members online in the near future

Re: This forum

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:43 pm
by Paul Gregory
Well done for getting this up and running. I'm sure that it is the way forward for 'on line comms' going forward. Lets hope that others will embrace it.

Inevitably there will be a few things to learn to enable users to make the most of it, but I am sure that it will be the way forward if we are to attract new members.


Re: This forum

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2008 10:53 pm
by richard moss
One really big advantage of a forum over a mailing list format is image handling - linking to Photobucket or similar image hosting site makes it so much easier to show off your pride and joy (and your car, too).


Re: This forum

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:10 am
by kmcm
Paul, this is excellet - thank you for taking the time to set this up. I believe that once people have the opportunity to visit and use this, they will be converted. Having an example helps remove the speculation! I think having a forum like this will prevent people like me asking questions that have been discussed many times before joining. Thanks again, Kyle.

Re: This forum

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 5:48 pm
by blackrover
Fine Paul, this is just what we need to keep us happy. I shall have to experiment a bit with regard ti images. The Rover looks great but my own countenance is much better imagined than imaged.

Best regards Marcus H.

Re: This forum

Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 2:18 pm
by Richard Clements
I'm a bit late for the tea party but this is an excellent idea, good for you for setting this up.


Re: This forum

Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 11:58 pm
by Phil - Nottingham
This is a good start and its encouraging new members already - I have also posted notice of this on some of the "rival" forums in which I am active.

Well done so far

Re: This forum

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 8:57 am
by Dirkco
Hello all,

Well this forum is the best news I have gotten in a long time. While I frequent the P4 and P5 forums the RSR really needed a way for members to comunicate. I only found out about this when visiting a car show last Sunday and complaining about the fact that a forum needs to be created.

What a great job! It is offcial my wife will have a new reason to complain that I am online

Dirk in the States